PATTY'S PONY PLACE offers slow feed nets specifically designed for ponies.
After one year of testing different designs and mesh size - 1 1/2 inch was mastered far too efficiently by our 15 test subjects - we use netting with a one inch hole. We also do not use the continuous method any longer - though the ponies were quite happy - they ate three times what they needed. We also did not find putting hay wrapped in a net on the ground efficient, as sooner or later, it was a mangled, mess.
We sell the net alone for $25 - you build a frame for it yourself - we built our 2x4 frame on an angle - to help avoid head contact with the frame, and attach the net with a staple gun. It is not "pretty" but it is fast, and as over time, the front of the net will get holes in it, you can cut the net off of the frame, turn it front to back and re-staple it, and you basically have a new net. Or, the - "Pony Purse" - with plastic pipe, rings and carabiner snaps ($35) This design is our favourite, as even though it is not as easy to fill - it is much more difficult for the ponies to make holes in, as the net free swings - also, you can swap it front to back easily as well - the holes always occur on the front of the net.
E-mail or call for more information.
These work amazingly well for our two goats as well - no more wasted, slept on hay!
To the equine dentist:
The story you shared on your post was indeed an unfortunate incident. I would also not dispute larger holes and size of rope for a young horse - for the exact reasoning you give. I will, however, totally defend the use of exactly this size of net for ponies. Our research went on for over a year on this subject - nets of all sizes and types being used all over the world - and this story that you shared is the ONLY bad incident that I have encountered.
So, though it is indeed an unfortunate thing - I would not be advising people to "get rid of" their nets, as the overall health and well being of horses feeding by this method has most certainly been well documented for over 14 years, that I know of - could be longer.
Our personal experience with this size of net (with ponies only) is a year now - NOT ONE SINGLE BAD THING TO REPORT!